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Recue a pet | Vaccinate the pet | Enter and Certify Vaccination Data |
Claim Pawmit donation |
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A rabies tag hung from a collar of a pet is not proof that the pet has been vaccinated. At Veripet we "Vette the Pet"℠ to provide the governmental agency a high level of confidence the pet is properly vaccinated.
A recent incident in Monmouth, NJ shows the need and advantage for a Pawmit . A local animal control agency received notification about a pet hoarder who had 276 pets. Along with one of the larger rescue shelters they setup a triage at the home to medically check and vaccinate the dogs. Unfortunately the rescues and animal control ran out of vaccine shots and approximatly 70 of the pets could not be vaccinated.
A Pawmit helps in this situation or a similar triage scenario in case of an adverse event such as a hurricane, by providing the assurance of who the pet is and its rabies vaccination status with a simple read and look up of their microchip. Assuredly knowing the pet was vaccinated saves wasted time, medicine and money vaccinating the pet and prevents over vaccination which may result in medical challenges for the pet.
Veripet's benefits and incentives for owners results in more pets being microchipped and vaccinated! Using Veripet's system will enable animal control to confidently know a pet's rabies vaccination status or contact its owner in the event of a natural disaster such as hurricane or other needful reason, 24x7x365.
Veripet provides the same benefits and financial incentives to the governmental agencies as we do for rescues and shelters and veterinary professionals. In a time of decreased funding the animal control agency can receive the Pawmit donations as detailed here as well as financial incentives provided to rescues including a full member share in our Donation Pot.
Animal control will have free access to our found pet owner notification service. When a stray is found animal control can immediately, 24x7x365, know if the pet is properly vaccinated reducing the time and cost to vaccinate, as well as preventing over vaccination of pets that are already vaccinated as per state and local requirements.
Veripet's electronic rabies certification proccess will save the animal control agency and rescue money by providing the assurance a pet is properly rabies vaccinated thereby eliminating the time and expense of revaccination "just in case".
Be Ready. In the event our young men and women are deployed with short notice they will have to hand off their civilian pet(s) to temporary fosters. During the deployment the foster / care taker needs to know the pet's rabies vaccination status or when it expires so the pet can be given proper medical treatment maintaining its protection and compliance with regulations. There is a strong possibility the pet's paper work may not be transferred to the temporary care taker due to the nature of an emergency deployment or it is lost if the pet must be transferred between multiple fosters.
A municipality needs to be informed that a properly vaccinated pet has been brought into their jurisdiction or is being cared for by a temporary foster. Be reminded when it's time to renew the vaccination and notified when a new pet enters or leaves your municipality. Eliminate the cost and overhead of sending vaccination reminders to pet owners; our automated, electronic notification will let you know when a pet has been revaccinated so you don't have to track it
It is important for a municipality to know the vaccination papers presented by an owner are valid and not forged. A Pawmit provides municipalites the assurance that the pet's rabies vaccination is in compliance with governmental regulations and as stated, i.e.: current, expired, or unknown.
Municipalities also require to accurately know a pet has been spayed or neutered (altered) when issuing their pet license to the owner. Some agencies may charge a different license fee based upon this information. A Pawmit not only provides the vaccination status but also the licensed medical professional certified alteration status.
Use of Veripet's medical record system and rabies certification data is provided to animal control, municipalities and other government agencies at no cost to them. Simply login and look up a pet using our simple search page to determine their vaccination status and medical history. You may also add pets and their medical records free of charge to ensure safe, secure data stored in a single electronically accessible place.
As animal control vaccinates pets they can also add the pet to the Veripet system as the caring veterinarian. The animal control's administering veterinarian can then certify the rabies data, enter / confirm the microchip and alteration status are accurate at the time the pets is being processed but prior to the pet being adopted. Once the new owner purchases a Pawmit for the pet, the animal control agency will receive all Pawmit donations as long as the conditions to issue a Pawmit are satisfied by the owner and the owner hasn't chosen a new veterinarian.
At the time a pet is adopted a recue, shelter, animal control, SPCA or other organization may offer the new owner a Pawmit certification on the spot. When the owner accepts the offer the rabise vaccine administration organization will be handsomely compensated for providing the vaccination data as detailed for veterinarian practices here.
Pre-certification of data ensures your organization will be the certifier of record and credited the initial and renewal donations when a Pawmit is purchased by the new owner.
An important feature of the Veripet certification program is that it permits a licensed veterinary professional such as an animal control, shelter or rescue organization vet to vaccinate, chip and/or alter a pet at processing time and pre-certify the data at the Veripet site. Once the pet is adopted out and the new owner purchases their Pawmit, pre-certification identifies the processing organization will be the certifier of record and whom receive the Pawmit certification donation assuming the owner doesn't specify another vet prior to purchasing their Pawmit.
In the unfortunate event that animal control must setup a triage event and recruit volunteer veterinarians to help process pets the certifying organization (the animal control agency), whom enters the rabies vaccination and other data will be the veterinary of record receiving their Pawmit donations from Veripet not the volunteer vet's practice.
A rabies tag hung from a collar of a pet is not proof that the pet has been vaccinated. Tags can and are moved between pets. The tag may not be worn or available. The tag may be worn out to the point of not being readable. The tag doesn't have vaccination expiration dates. A microchip cannot be lost or inadvertently removed by a bush branch or collar failure. The tag has not been validated by an independent 3rd party. Even a print out supposedly showing a vaccination was given by a veterinarian can be easily forged or photoshopped. At Veripet we "Vette the Pet" and "Vette the Vet" to give the governmental agency a high level of confidence the pet is properly vaccinated.
Some animal microchip manufactures encrypt their chip numbers forcing you to utilize their captive database, and chip specific scanner to locate a lost pet's owner. These types of databases only allow determination of a pet's caring human and do not hold medical records, specifically its rabies vaccination data, for the pet. Veripet's database is chip agnostic and can handle the encryption techniques of chip manufactures.
At Veripet you may store and look up by the chip's encrypted value as read by any regular scanner. While the encrypted value doesn't display the actual chip number, it is just as unique in its encrypted form and fully capable of uniquely identifying that pet and its medical records thereby bypassing the cost, time and hassle of maintaining multiple scanners and contacting the chip manufacture to decrypt the chip number and retrieve the owner's contact information.
We "Vette the Pet"℠ to ensure all data is provided by medical professionals. We also "Vette the Vet"℠ to ensure the professional was qualified to administer and certify the rabies vaccination. Many states have requirements that only a licensed veterinarian can give a rabies shot to the pet and we ensure the medical professional attesting to the vaccination has a valid license to perform the procedure.
Veripet's services result in a reduction in costs and improvement in health by preventing duplication and over vaccination
As part of the Pawmit Certification process the pet's vet will check and certify the alteration status of the pet so that it is accurately recorded in municipal license (dogs only) or when animal control needs to know the spayed / neutered status of a pet.
The Veripet VMR system is a secure system in the cloud providing 24x7x365 controlled access to pet, provider, and medical professional information. Changes to data are audited to ensure you know when and who has modified the pet's records. Access to the data is not only controlled by account but also via our content filtering logic to ensure no one that should not see the pet's data will be able to access it.