Green - Very easy to handle, safe for all volunteers who have completed Dog Handling Training.
Blue - Typically one area makes the dog not Green; for example, pulling, strength, sensitivity to other dogs/people
Yellow - The handler needs to be aware of and able to adapt to many possible sudden behaviors.
Red - staff only, or specific volunteers approved by shelter management.
Free One Time, One Step Sign Up
Easy Ways to Certify and "Know Your Pet"℠
- Free Rabies vaccine certification
automatic microchip registration ($150 value)
- No renewal fees for the life of the pet
- Electronic Pawmit certificate
- Free from advertising
- Store pet's medical records
- Unlimited number of pets
- Tax Deductible
- No Sales Tax
- Manage owners, adopters and fosters
- Receive automated medical reminders
- 24x7x365 Medical Record Access

- Store pet's medical records
- Unlimited number of pets
- Manage owners, adopters and fosters
- Receive automated medical reminders
- Free from advertising
automatic microchip registration ($150 value)
- 24x7x365 Medical Record Access